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My name is Mariah Smith.

My background is in Architecture, and my work with rag rugs began with my research into the relationship between
domestic handicraft and the built environment. I work under the assumption that textiles are an element of
architecture and homemaking is design. Domestic crafts like mending and rag rug weaving are inherently sustainable,
and I am interested in the care that goes into ensuring the longevity of handcrafted objects. My work is rooted in
repeatedly re-working/re-interpreting the surfaces and patterns that surround our most intimate selves ;)

I have a Master’s in Architecture from Princeton University (M.Arch received in 2020) and a Bachelor of Arts in
Architecture from UC Berkeley (B.A. received in 2015)

Email for more info
instagram @smithmariahs

Also working on Rag Rug Study Group with Mae Colburn here

Website developed by Daniel Maslan